September 7, 2012

Celebration of Science at NIH

Scientists in a lab. NIH Director Francis Collins discusses advances toward an HIV vaccine with Peter Kwong.NIH

On Saturday, September 8, 2012, NIH hosted a day of compelling presentations and "live remotes" as part of a 3-day "Celebration of Science," in collaboration with FasterCures, the Milken Institute's Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions.听 The NIH Day featured scientists, patients, and caregivers speaking on topics such as HIV/AIDS, precision medicine, protein folding, neuroscience, and rehabilitation medicine.听 There also were discussions with policymakers and industry leaders on the health and economic benefits of biomedical research. Attendees included HHS leadership, NIH leadership, current and former elected officials, heads of government agencies, major philanthropists, leaders of academic research centers, patient advocacy groups, distinguished scientists, industry CEOs, and the media.

This page last reviewed on October 13, 2015